Registered  Breeder of Australian Tiffanie and Long-Haired Burmilla Kittens and Cats. 






Loving and Intelligent
Gentle and Playful
Glamorous and Luxurious
Lauren (Purrfect) Bacall, Laurence( Handsome)Olivier, Angelina (cats eyes) Jolie, Tom (Cat) Cruise all these personalties and more will be starring around October 2006.

If you would like to reserve a Movie Star Kitten for yourself, please press here


Move Star Cats... bring you the kitten of your dreams... to love and cherish forever.

 As a special will receive your Kitten's photos and resume on CD ! (read more)



Registered Australian Tiffanie and Long-Haired Burmilla Breeder.

P.O. Box 179, Crows Nest, NSW, 2065, Australia     Tel. 61-2-9957-4208 email: [email protected] 

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